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Monday, January 16, 2006

Move On

You dumped him. Now, he is over you.

Comments on "Move On"


Blogger Eve said ... (12:50 PM) : 

but life does move on...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:32 PM) : 

You can never say if somebody is really over you or if he's a good actor.

It's rare that people totally forget about someone they cared about. But if he's proud, and that's the case with most men, you can be sure that he won't come back, even if he still has feelings for u. A humiliated man rarely forgives. I can't generalize but that's my personal experience.


Blogger Zanzounito said ... (10:49 PM) : 

Pride and humility.

Pride should not be a player in a relationship and never be used as an excuse. As for being humiliated, well, as long as the dumping is done in private, then where is the humiliation?

My point is some move on others do not.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:21 AM) : 

There's no 'should be' and 'should not be'. There's 'is' and 'isn't'


Blogger Zanzounito said ... (1:23 PM) : 

Good point


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