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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Lebanese chicks and stereotypes

Here's a very cute/funny song by Lebanese rappers Aks'ser, depicting Lebanese Princesses at their worst.

Lyrics are in arabic and I understand 80% of them.. so WHO of our fabulous female contributors will volunteer for translation? :-)

(aks'ser - ping pang pong)

Comments on "Lebanese chicks and stereotypes"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:59 AM) : 

well sometimes ... it s still not the worst ;)

any of you girls volunteers to make me changing of mind on this issue? ;)


Blogger Hilal CHOUMAN said ... (9:48 AM) : 

sa33abtooha heik..


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:55 AM) : 

mais d'ou tu deniches ces trucs ? !


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:09 AM) : 

haha I'm from lebanon and I love this song!!:D but can't iI find a way to download it??


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