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Monday, May 08, 2006

Lack of Productivity

After weeks of bottoming, then hitting rock bottom, and analzying with different friends on why I have been bottoming, I think I may have reached a conclusion: Lack of productivity. I haven't felt productive recently, work-wise or social wise. When I am not productive I basically feel useless, and/or that my life is useless and that I am rotting! Well... at least I feel that I am rotting. I get my excitement and my adrenalin from being productive.

So, now that I think I may have found the reason to my "bottoming" I have to solve it to "upper" up again. There are many ways to do so, such as finding a productive hobby, or changing my entire life. I know hobby sounds easier but life-change sounds more intriguing.
I got a job offer from Lebanon, a good position, a decent salary and package. I always said that if I found a good offer in Lebanon I would move back. Now, I don't know if I want to. Yet, I would like to shop for more offers in Lebanon.

Moving back to Lebanon would be a major challenge...(continue reading)

Comments on "Lack of Productivity"


Blogger Zanzounito said ... (10:04 PM) : 

now I don't feel so alone :)


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